Dr. Miracle's Style Daily Moisturizing Lotion

Dr. Miracle's Style Daily Moisturizing Lotion


6 oz

If you're a fan of perms or relaxers, you probably know all about dry, damaged hair — the kind that sucks up oil, conditioner, and cream, and still wants more moisture. Short of coating it in collagen and keratin every morning and then just wrapping it under a scarf, coming up with a straightforward way to keep breakage to a minimum can be daunting. Which is why Dr. Miracle's Daily Moisturizing Lotion is worth stashing in your desk. The lightweight cream smells like a watermelon Blow Pop, and even if you use a ton of it on fine hair, it doesn't look or feel greasy. Just the thing for mornings when you don't have time to style before you head to work. - Popsugar

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